Category: thoughts rss


30 August / / thoughts
06 November / / thoughts
30 September / / thoughts
29 August / / thoughts
25 June / / thoughts
30 April / / thoughts
19 February / / thoughts
18 January / / thoughts
31 December / / thoughts
04 September / / thoughts
14 August / / thoughts
31 July / / thoughts
19 July / / thoughts
16 April / / thoughts
22 January / / thoughts
18 November / / thoughts
10 October / / thoughts
02 August / / thoughts
20 July / / thoughts
06 July / / thoughts

Life got in the way of blogging, but I never stopped working on projects. So this site is going to focus more on projects, with the occasional blog post sprinkled in.

23 December / / thoughts
28 September / / thoughts

In the middle of wedding planning, I quit my safe government contractor job in MD for a pay-cut and higher rent in NYC. All for the opportunity to work with an exciting tech startup trying to solve a really hard problem.

11 April / / thoughts

In the coming months, the frequency of my blog posts will likely slow as I have decided to leave my employer and move to NYC as I begin work for a tech start-up called Socure.

02 March / / thoughts

This post is the first of what will be a series of explorations into data visualization. I will dive quickly and deeply to lay the foundation as most of this can be found easily on the web.