Unit tests should never(❗) call the internet
Category: thoughts rss
The best way to test your Review Apps
A quick reference guide to help teams move away from Gitflow
Your team can handle less complexity than you think
You can’t always control what your upstream data produce will change
Debugging errors with DMS migrations from Postgresql
Pytest fixture scope can cause test config side effects
For when you need to break a dataframe up into a bunch of smaller dataframes
Again. . .Spark will hammer a relational DB you connect to if you let it.
I was in a situation a while back where I needed to make an API call to clean up some data in a dataframe. Here is the approach I took.
When presented with a problem, people seem to default to non-agile approaches
Spark will hammer the relational DB you connect to if you let it.
Made a down payment on an expensive Geothermal system - then my AC died, cat had health issues, water in basement, and laid off from work.
Aggressively caching server requests, a great way to sweep bugs under the rug
Empathy for your user’s privacy expectations is your compass
Life got in the way of blogging, but I never stopped working on projects. So this site is going to focus more on projects, with the occasional blog post sprinkled in.
Every new year I take some time to reflect on the past year and take note of some of the major things that happened.
In the middle of wedding planning, I quit my safe government contractor job in MD for a pay-cut and higher rent in NYC. All for the opportunity to work with an exciting tech startup trying to solve a really hard problem.
In the coming months, the frequency of my blog posts will likely slow as I have decided to leave my employer and move to NYC as I begin work for a tech start-up called Socure.